
Happy 2013!!

I wish everyone a very healthy, happy and successful 2013! May you and your family be surrounded by good people, delicious food and fun adventures.

If there is something you'd like to see on Mango & Tomato in 2013, let me know!

Photo credit: Stephen Gosling

I wish everyone a very healthy, happy and successful 2013! May you and your family be surrounded by good people, delicious food and fun adventures.

If there is something you'd like to see on Mango & Tomato in 2013, let me know!

Photo credit: Stephen Gosling
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Sour Cream Cake (Smetannik): Russian Recipes Revisited

It's almost the end of December, so it's time for the monthly Russian Recipes Revisited post!

Today I bring you a recipe for Sour Cream Cake, aka Smetannik (in Russian, sour cream is smetana).

Growing up in Moscow, Russia, children's birthday celebrations weren't spent at a restaurant and involved way more than two hours, a cake and a clown. Anna and I (since we are twins!) would have our

It's almost the end of December, so it's time for the monthly Russian Recipes Revisited post!

Today I bring you a recipe for Sour Cream Cake, aka Smetannik (in Russian, sour cream is smetana).

Growing up in Moscow, Russia, children's birthday celebrations weren't spent at a restaurant and involved way more than two hours, a cake and a clown. Anna and I (since we are twins!) would have our
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Lamb & Potato Enchilada Casserole

(function(a,h,a_,l,o,g,y){ /* 2b9ca1c at 2013-12-11 18:48:24 +0000 */
window[a_]={c:o,b:g,u:l};var s=a.createElement(h);s.src=l,e=a.getElementsByTagName(h)[0];e.parentNode.insertBefore(s,e);

Remember the Lamb Tacos I posted a earlier this month? Well, I had a bit of roasted lamb left, not to mention the corn tortillas, so I decided to

(function(a,h,a_,l,o,g,y){ /* 2b9ca1c at 2013-12-11 18:48:24 +0000 */
window[a_]={c:o,b:g,u:l};var s=a.createElement(h);s.src=l,e=a.getElementsByTagName(h)[0];e.parentNode.insertBefore(s,e);

Remember the Lamb Tacos I posted a earlier this month? Well, I had a bit of roasted lamb left, not to mention the corn tortillas, so I decided to
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Cranberry, Orange Zest & Crystallized Ginger Cakes

This post is quite overdue, but if you can still find fresh cranberries, please make these Cranberry, Orange Zest & Crystallized Ginger Cakes!

Right before Thanksgiving, I saw a beautiful recipe for Fresh Cranberry Tea Cakes on Liren's Kitchen Confidante blog and knew I had to do something like that. But of course I had to change a few things: I added orange zest and crystallized ginger (

This post is quite overdue, but if you can still find fresh cranberries, please make these Cranberry, Orange Zest & Crystallized Ginger Cakes!

Right before Thanksgiving, I saw a beautiful recipe for Fresh Cranberry Tea Cakes on Liren's Kitchen Confidante blog and knew I had to do something like that. But of course I had to change a few things: I added orange zest and crystallized ginger (
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Fun, Delicious & Easy Food Themed Gift: Peanut Butter Cup Fudge Recipe

This year I decided to make fudge for some of my friends. I'm almost ashamed to admit how easy it is to make fudge. The best part? My friends loved it!!

The first batch of the fudge I made was basically chocolate, sweetened condensed milk and walnuts.

For something slightly different, I decided to use peanut butter cups!

Fun, Delicious & Easy Food Themed Gift: Peanut Butter Cup Fudge

This year I decided to make fudge for some of my friends. I'm almost ashamed to admit how easy it is to make fudge. The best part? My friends loved it!!

The first batch of the fudge I made was basically chocolate, sweetened condensed milk and walnuts.

For something slightly different, I decided to use peanut butter cups!

Fun, Delicious & Easy Food Themed Gift: Peanut Butter Cup Fudge

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Spoon Me! I'm Talking About Decorating Spoons Of Course ;)

Spoon me!!!

In between going dancing, cooking, going to a Speakeasy event at Sixth & I and editing photographs, I managed to get bored this weekend. I could have exercised, or done my laundry, or de-hoarded...but instead I decided to do something crafty: decorate a few wooden utensils. Doesn't everyone do that when they are bored?

I used the blue tape and the green paint I had left over

Spoon me!!!

In between going dancing, cooking, going to a Speakeasy event at Sixth & I and editing photographs, I managed to get bored this weekend. I could have exercised, or done my laundry, or de-hoarded...but instead I decided to do something crafty: decorate a few wooden utensils. Doesn't everyone do that when they are bored?

I used the blue tape and the green paint I had left over
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Spicy Fat Noodles with Snow Peas

Last week, my friend Cecilia and I went to see Ina Garten at Sixth & I. It was a fabulous evening. See the instagram photo of me Cecilia took below :) I cannot wait to make something from the book!

After the event, we decided to get something to eat and I suggested Chinatown Express. I've eaten at this little restaurant a few years ago and was looking forward to introducing Cecilia to

Last week, my friend Cecilia and I went to see Ina Garten at Sixth & I. It was a fabulous evening. See the instagram photo of me Cecilia took below :) I cannot wait to make something from the book!

After the event, we decided to get something to eat and I suggested Chinatown Express. I've eaten at this little restaurant a few years ago and was looking forward to introducing Cecilia to
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Nutella Peanut Butter Sandwich Cookies & AirBake Review

Check your twitter stream, Pinterest boards or Facebook pages and you'll notice that 'tis the season for baking! Whether you are making chocolate chip cookies, biscotti, or macaroons, the types of cookie sheets you use is quite important.

My cookie sheets, I'm slightly ashamed to admit, are not in a pristine condition. They are stained from curried potatoes and carrots and no longer shine.

Check your twitter stream, Pinterest boards or Facebook pages and you'll notice that 'tis the season for baking! Whether you are making chocolate chip cookies, biscotti, or macaroons, the types of cookie sheets you use is quite important.

My cookie sheets, I'm slightly ashamed to admit, are not in a pristine condition. They are stained from curried potatoes and carrots and no longer shine.
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Charleston Wine & Food Festival Recipe Contest: Lamb Tacos

It's time for round #3 of the recipe contest for the Charleston Wine & Food Festival. See my recipes for round 1 and 2 to catch up.

Guess what? I did not win either round, and I very highly doubt I'll win this round either, but I thank all of you for your support and votes. If that sounds a bit snarky, so be it. But you can still VOTE if you want ;)

I'm just going to make the food I want

It's time for round #3 of the recipe contest for the Charleston Wine & Food Festival. See my recipes for round 1 and 2 to catch up.

Guess what? I did not win either round, and I very highly doubt I'll win this round either, but I thank all of you for your support and votes. If that sounds a bit snarky, so be it. But you can still VOTE if you want ;)

I'm just going to make the food I want
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Happy Hanukkah: Recipe for Tri-Colored Latkes with Horseradish Sour Cream

Happy Hanukkah!!! Go light a menorah ;)

One of the things I love most about Hanukkah, since my family doesn't really exchange presents, is the latkes!! I've made them over the years using regular potatoes and sweet potatoes (separately), but this year decided to do something slightly different!

Not only did I added shredded beets to my latkes, but I also spiced up the regular sour cream with

Happy Hanukkah!!! Go light a menorah ;)

One of the things I love most about Hanukkah, since my family doesn't really exchange presents, is the latkes!! I've made them over the years using regular potatoes and sweet potatoes (separately), but this year decided to do something slightly different!

Not only did I added shredded beets to my latkes, but I also spiced up the regular sour cream with
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What To Do With Leftover Rice: Kimchi Fried Rice

Happy Friday! The weekend is almost here! Do you have any plans? I will be cooking a lamb shoulder, testing out new cookie sheets and trying to dehoard. What else is new?

Two weekends ago I woke up still not feeling a 100% back to normal after a week of dealing with a cold. I opened my refrigerator and saw a container of rice from a Chinese take out and decided to make fried rice. I actually

Happy Friday! The weekend is almost here! Do you have any plans? I will be cooking a lamb shoulder, testing out new cookie sheets and trying to dehoard. What else is new?

Two weekends ago I woke up still not feeling a 100% back to normal after a week of dealing with a cold. I opened my refrigerator and saw a container of rice from a Chinese take out and decided to make fried rice. I actually
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Almond Lace Cookies: Not Every Recipe Is Perfect

Last month I received a little care package courtesy of Wayfair and Peapod. I will donate the $25 gift card from Peapod to a local charity, but am keeping the kitchen tools from Wayfair.

How cute is this Jessie Steele Oven Mitt? It's so pretty I might not even use it for fear of getting it dirty ;)

I will, however, get great use from the Switchit Spatula.
It's 650F heat and stain

Last month I received a little care package courtesy of Wayfair and Peapod. I will donate the $25 gift card from Peapod to a local charity, but am keeping the kitchen tools from Wayfair.

How cute is this Jessie Steele Oven Mitt? It's so pretty I might not even use it for fear of getting it dirty ;)

I will, however, get great use from the Switchit Spatula.
It's 650F heat and stain
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Greek Patty & Feta-Yogurt Sauce from The Meat Lover's Meatless Celebrations

Last month I received a preview copy of Kim O'Donnel's newest cookbook: The Meat Lover's Meatless Celebrations. I've known Kim for over ten years because I used to read her food chats on WA Post before she moved to Seattle. Although I'm far from being a vegetarian, I was excited to see what this book had to offer.

The cookbook is divided into seasons, and each season features recipes for

Last month I received a preview copy of Kim O'Donnel's newest cookbook: The Meat Lover's Meatless Celebrations. I've known Kim for over ten years because I used to read her food chats on WA Post before she moved to Seattle. Although I'm far from being a vegetarian, I was excited to see what this book had to offer.

The cookbook is divided into seasons, and each season features recipes for
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Summer in the Winter Time: Frozen Berry Buttermilk Smoothie Recipe

Happy Friday! The winter is almost here (for me it starts December 1st), the cold weather is settling in and it's harder and harder to get out of my warm bed in the morning. But even in the middle of the winter, you can still have a hint of summer with this Summer in the Winter Time: Frozen Berry Buttermilk Smoothie Recipe.

Why on Earth would I use buttermilk in a smoothie? Because I had too

Happy Friday! The winter is almost here (for me it starts December 1st), the cold weather is settling in and it's harder and harder to get out of my warm bed in the morning. But even in the middle of the winter, you can still have a hint of summer with this Summer in the Winter Time: Frozen Berry Buttermilk Smoothie Recipe.

Why on Earth would I use buttermilk in a smoothie? Because I had too
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Shuba Recipe: Russian Recipes Revisited (RRR)

It's time for another Russian Recipes Revisited post! Are you excited!? I hope you are, because this is a stellar recipe. Shuba in Russian means winter coat, usually made from fur. No, I'm not going to tell you how to make a winter worries.

Shuba is a traditional layered salad served usually for New Year celebration: it has layers of herring, potatoes, hardboiled eggs, beets and

It's time for another Russian Recipes Revisited post! Are you excited!? I hope you are, because this is a stellar recipe. Shuba in Russian means winter coat, usually made from fur. No, I'm not going to tell you how to make a winter worries.

Shuba is a traditional layered salad served usually for New Year celebration: it has layers of herring, potatoes, hardboiled eggs, beets and
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How To Make Mayonnaise At Home: No Longer a Homemade Mayo Virgin

I LOVE mayonnaise. Love is a strong word and I have no qualms of using it for food. Yes, I love mayonnaise. I love it on sandwiches, in tuna or egg salads, in the Russian potato salad, mixed into borsch, and eaten with fries. I've loved mayonnaise ever since I was a little girl.

But until last week, I have never ever made mayonnaise on my own. Is that a horrible thing? Not really, but I

I LOVE mayonnaise. Love is a strong word and I have no qualms of using it for food. Yes, I love mayonnaise. I love it on sandwiches, in tuna or egg salads, in the Russian potato salad, mixed into borsch, and eaten with fries. I've loved mayonnaise ever since I was a little girl.

But until last week, I have never ever made mayonnaise on my own. Is that a horrible thing? Not really, but I
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Lamb & Broccoli Strata Recipe {or Stuffing}

Here's a dish I created last weekend without going grocery shopping: Lamb & Broccoli Strata {or Stuffing}.

I defrosted a loaf challah I had from a photo shoot I did for a 2nd edition of Amy Riolo's cookbook, lamb I had from one of the recipe challenges and then used broccoli that was about to die in my refrigerator. The original plan was to make strata, but when it was time to add the eggs, I

Here's a dish I created last weekend without going grocery shopping: Lamb & Broccoli Strata {or Stuffing}.

I defrosted a loaf challah I had from a photo shoot I did for a 2nd edition of Amy Riolo's cookbook, lamb I had from one of the recipe challenges and then used broccoli that was about to die in my refrigerator. The original plan was to make strata, but when it was time to add the eggs, I
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Enjoy Life More: Chunky Del Monte Tomato & Persimmon Salsa

Earlier this month, I was asked to participate in the "Enjoy Life More" campaign by Del Monte hosted by BlogHer. I would need to choose one of the Del Monte canned products and talk about how I Enjoy Life More everyday. Well, this wasn't a difficult task. Ever since I was a little girl, I actually really liked canned vegetables. Peas were my favorite. To this day, I love canned peas and corn and
Earlier this month, I was asked to participate in the "Enjoy Life More" campaign by Del Monte hosted by BlogHer. I would need to choose one of the Del Monte canned products and talk about how I Enjoy Life More everyday. Well, this wasn't a difficult task. Ever since I was a little girl, I actually really liked canned vegetables. Peas were my favorite. To this day, I love canned peas and corn and
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My First Trip to DC's Union Market: What to See, Where to Eat, What to Buy

Last Sunday, my friend Cecilia and I made our first trip to Union Market. I've heard a ton of buzz about the market in the last few months and in fact know several people who have stores there. It was time I checked it out for myself!

Here's a bit of information from the website:

A year-round indoor market featuring 40 local artisans opened September 8, 2012. Union Market will once again be

Last Sunday, my friend Cecilia and I made our first trip to Union Market. I've heard a ton of buzz about the market in the last few months and in fact know several people who have stores there. It was time I checked it out for myself!

Here's a bit of information from the website:

A year-round indoor market featuring 40 local artisans opened September 8, 2012. Union Market will once again be
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Persimmon Praline Pistachio Parfait: An Incredibly Easy Dessert (or Breakfast)

This past weekend was a three day weekend filled with good friends, beautiful weather and fun food adventures. What I did not manage to do, however, was to do grocery shopping and cook a few dishes for myself and to showcase on this blog. So Monday morning (day off!) I decided to create a two recipes from the ingredients I already had. Thus, here's a Persimmon Praline Pistachio Parfait. Don't

This past weekend was a three day weekend filled with good friends, beautiful weather and fun food adventures. What I did not manage to do, however, was to do grocery shopping and cook a few dishes for myself and to showcase on this blog. So Monday morning (day off!) I decided to create a two recipes from the ingredients I already had. Thus, here's a Persimmon Praline Pistachio Parfait. Don't
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Not Your Typical Bagel Breakfast: Spanish Eggplant, Monterey Jack & Poached Egg

I'm not your cereal & milk for breakfast kind of a girl. I need more substance. In fact, I don't mind eating leftovers for breakfast once in a blue moon: think soup, pizza, or even half a burger!

As far as the "normal breakfast," bagels with cream cheese and smoked salmon are one of my favorites, but they do get old. A few weekends ago I decided to have a bagel with a few atypical toppings:

I'm not your cereal & milk for breakfast kind of a girl. I need more substance. In fact, I don't mind eating leftovers for breakfast once in a blue moon: think soup, pizza, or even half a burger!

As far as the "normal breakfast," bagels with cream cheese and smoked salmon are one of my favorites, but they do get old. A few weekends ago I decided to have a bagel with a few atypical toppings:
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I ♥ persimmons. I remember eating persimmons as a little girl in Moscow and enjoying the sweet flesh while avoiding the dark brown seeds. Yes, persimmons in Russia had did the grapes and watermelons. Of course ever since moving to the States I'm too good for seeds ;)

It amazes me that so many people either don't know what persimmons are or have never tried them.

Imagine my

I ♥ persimmons. I remember eating persimmons as a little girl in Moscow and enjoying the sweet flesh while avoiding the dark brown seeds. Yes, persimmons in Russia had did the grapes and watermelons. Of course ever since moving to the States I'm too good for seeds ;)

It amazes me that so many people either don't know what persimmons are or have never tried them.

Imagine my
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#FinishRevolution Challenge & Lidia Bastianich's Baked Stuffed Shells Recipe

I get quite a few emails telling me about new cookbooks, cookware, food items, etc. Last month I received my first ever email about a cleaning product. I suppose it's fitting: if you cook, you have to clean the dishes (even if like me you absolutely HATE the task).

I was invited to take a Finish Sticky Dish Challenge, and Join the #FinishRevolution with the help of a new to me dishwasher

I get quite a few emails telling me about new cookbooks, cookware, food items, etc. Last month I received my first ever email about a cleaning product. I suppose it's fitting: if you cook, you have to clean the dishes (even if like me you absolutely HATE the task).

I was invited to take a Finish Sticky Dish Challenge, and Join the #FinishRevolution with the help of a new to me dishwasher
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Charleston Wine & Food Festival Recipe Contest: Oysters & Clams Recipes

Remember the Lamb & Butternut Squash Wonton Ravioli recipe I posted for the first part of the BB&T Charleston Wine and Food Lambs and Clams Original Recipe Contest?

It is time for Challenge #2!

For the second challenge, I received 25 Rappahannock River Oysters, 25 Olde Salt Middleneck Clams and a shucking knife.

Yes! I would have to shuck the oysters myself. I was TERRIFIED!

But I had

Remember the Lamb & Butternut Squash Wonton Ravioli recipe I posted for the first part of the BB&T Charleston Wine and Food Lambs and Clams Original Recipe Contest?

It is time for Challenge #2!

For the second challenge, I received 25 Rappahannock River Oysters, 25 Olde Salt Middleneck Clams and a shucking knife.

Yes! I would have to shuck the oysters myself. I was TERRIFIED!

But I had
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Bonne Maman Recipe Contest: Soba Noodles with Sweet & Spicy Golden Plum Mirabella Preserves

A short while ago I was contacted by Bonne Maman and asked to develop a recipe using their Mirabelle Plum Preserves that will be one of 15 recipes featured on their Pinterest board.

The only requirement was not to make something predictable like a tart. I was up for the challenge.

Since the Mirabelle Plum Preserves are pretty sweet, I decided to challenge myself and create a

A short while ago I was contacted by Bonne Maman and asked to develop a recipe using their Mirabelle Plum Preserves that will be one of 15 recipes featured on their Pinterest board.

The only requirement was not to make something predictable like a tart. I was up for the challenge.

Since the Mirabelle Plum Preserves are pretty sweet, I decided to challenge myself and create a
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DIY Sofa Table Project

Remember my DIY Pallet Coffee Table? TodayI bring you another DIY project. How is it food related? Well, I partially build this Sofa Table so that I could have a place to rest cups/glasses/plates when I eat my dinner sitting on the couch and watching TV.

The project actually started when I noticed that my AC unit was leaking. Oh the joys of home ownership! I had to move my couch away from the

Remember my DIY Pallet Coffee Table? TodayI bring you another DIY project. How is it food related? Well, I partially build this Sofa Table so that I could have a place to rest cups/glasses/plates when I eat my dinner sitting on the couch and watching TV.

The project actually started when I noticed that my AC unit was leaking. Oh the joys of home ownership! I had to move my couch away from the
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Seared Tuna, Grapefruit & Avocado Salad. Plus, a Review of New West KnifeWorks

Earlier this month I received a gorgeous gift from the New West KnifeWorks: The 8. What's The 8?

"The 8
inch Chef Knife is for those who love only the best. "The Lightspeed
8" This knife was deliberately designed for folks who find a
traditional 8 inch chef cumbersome or intimidating. The graceful blade
shape, tapered tang and super thin blade grind makes this nimble knife

Earlier this month I received a gorgeous gift from the New West KnifeWorks: The 8. What's The 8?

"The 8
inch Chef Knife is for those who love only the best. "The Lightspeed
8" This knife was deliberately designed for folks who find a
traditional 8 inch chef cumbersome or intimidating. The graceful blade
shape, tapered tang and super thin blade grind makes this nimble knife
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All You Can Eat & Drink Brunch in DC: Zengo

Earlier this month I was invited to check out a new BRUNCH menu at Zengo by Heather Freeman PR.

Because I've eaten at Zengo multiple times and really enjoy their happy hour specials, I was looking forward to trying an all you can eat and drink brunch menu ($35).

All you can eat/drink menus are best when you have a few friends joining you: that way you can try a larger variety of dishes

Earlier this month I was invited to check out a new BRUNCH menu at Zengo by Heather Freeman PR.

Because I've eaten at Zengo multiple times and really enjoy their happy hour specials, I was looking forward to trying an all you can eat and drink brunch menu ($35).

All you can eat/drink menus are best when you have a few friends joining you: that way you can try a larger variety of dishes
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Visit to Sabra Factory in Richmond, VA: Sabra Tastemakers

Remember I wrote about my weekend in Richmond, VA? Well, it's time to give you a recap of the reason I went to Richmond in the first place: a tour of Sabra factory! {For those who may not know, Sabra is the maker of hummus. They also make guacamole, salsa and several dips and sides.}

I was super excited to be invited to be one of the Sabra Tastemakers. Early Saturday morning a car picked me up
Remember I wrote about my weekend in Richmond, VA? Well, it's time to give you a recap of the reason I went to Richmond in the first place: a tour of Sabra factory! {For those who may not know, Sabra is the maker of hummus. They also make guacamole, salsa and several dips and sides.}

I was super excited to be invited to be one of the Sabra Tastemakers. Early Saturday morning a car picked me up
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Borsch Recipe: Russian Recipes Revisited (RRR)

Borsch is one of my most favorite Russian dishes. I say Russian because that's where I grew up and was introduced to this recipe: please don't leave comments how it's a Ukrainian dish. We can all share it ;)

I've made borsch several times, so why blog about it again? Well, I have a good reason.

I was asked to do a demonstration on how to make borsch at the Jewish Museum of Maryland! Of

Borsch is one of my most favorite Russian dishes. I say Russian because that's where I grew up and was introduced to this recipe: please don't leave comments how it's a Ukrainian dish. We can all share it ;)

I've made borsch several times, so why blog about it again? Well, I have a good reason.

I was asked to do a demonstration on how to make borsch at the Jewish Museum of Maryland! Of
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Weekend in Richmond, VA: What to Do, Where to Eat?

This past Monday I had an incredible chance to visit Sabra's hummus factory in Richmond, VA {I will write about it next week!}.

Since my good friends Jenn and Luis moved to Richmond a few months ago, I decided to take this opportunity to spend the weekend visiting them before touring Sabra's factory and see what Richmond is all about.

Richmond, VA is about 2 hours driving from Arlington, VA

This past Monday I had an incredible chance to visit Sabra's hummus factory in Richmond, VA {I will write about it next week!}.

Since my good friends Jenn and Luis moved to Richmond a few months ago, I decided to take this opportunity to spend the weekend visiting them before touring Sabra's factory and see what Richmond is all about.

Richmond, VA is about 2 hours driving from Arlington, VA
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Escarole Soup with White Beans: Crazy Good Italian Cookbook by Mike Isabella

It's finally fall! The leaves are changing color, the air is crispy and the sweaters are now out of the closet!

Although I make soup year round, fall and winter are my favorite seasons for a big pot of soup simmering on the stove top. Soup can be a meal starter or a meal in itself. This Escarole Soup with White Beans from Mike Isabella's Crazy Good Italian is an excellent recipe to add to

It's finally fall! The leaves are changing color, the air is crispy and the sweaters are now out of the closet!

Although I make soup year round, fall and winter are my favorite seasons for a big pot of soup simmering on the stove top. Soup can be a meal starter or a meal in itself. This Escarole Soup with White Beans from Mike Isabella's Crazy Good Italian is an excellent recipe to add to
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Lunch at Merchant in Madison, WI: My First Time Eating FRIED Cheese Curds!

Hi! I spent a weekend in Richmond, VA visiting my friends Jenn and Luis and also participating in Sabra's Tastemakers program. I will fill you in on my adventures later this week, but for now I wanted to do a quick post about lunch I had on the last day of my Madison Weekend (Part 1, Part 2).

As I've mentioned before, I'm used to traveling solo and don't mind it much, but it's always nice to

Hi! I spent a weekend in Richmond, VA visiting my friends Jenn and Luis and also participating in Sabra's Tastemakers program. I will fill you in on my adventures later this week, but for now I wanted to do a quick post about lunch I had on the last day of my Madison Weekend (Part 1, Part 2).

As I've mentioned before, I'm used to traveling solo and don't mind it much, but it's always nice to
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Madison, WI Weekend in Instagrams

What to do when you have a $200 voucher from Frontier Airline that you need to use in a few months? Well, if you are anything like me, you look for a nonstop flight. The only few nonstop flights from DCA that Frontier offered were to Milwaukee and Madison. After polling a bunch of friends and weighing the pluses and minuses of each city, I decided to whisk myself away for a long weekend to
What to do when you have a $200 voucher from Frontier Airline that you need to use in a few months? Well, if you are anything like me, you look for a nonstop flight. The only few nonstop flights from DCA that Frontier offered were to Milwaukee and Madison. After polling a bunch of friends and weighing the pluses and minuses of each city, I decided to whisk myself away for a long weekend to
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What To Do With A Leg Of Lamb: Lamb & Butternut Squash Wonton Ravioli.

Is this another lamb post? Yes, yes it is! This past March I visited Charleston and absolutely LOVED it. When I was invited to participate in the BB&T Charleston Wine and Food Lambs and Clams Original Recipe Contest for a chance to win tickets to the Charleston Wine & Food Festival, how could I say no?

The recipe contest has four recipe challenges and your participation/voting is worth 25%!!

Is this another lamb post? Yes, yes it is! This past March I visited Charleston and absolutely LOVED it. When I was invited to participate in the BB&T Charleston Wine and Food Lambs and Clams Original Recipe Contest for a chance to win tickets to the Charleston Wine & Food Festival, how could I say no?

The recipe contest has four recipe challenges and your participation/voting is worth 25%!!
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Oatmeal: Love it or Hate it? Oatmeal With Kimchi & Fried Egg

Oatmeal: Love it or Hate it? Personally, I'm not a huge fan...well, unless it's loaded with sweet things like dark chocolate chunks, toasted pecans, dried cherries, etc. But then I might as well eat dessert, right?

Wrong! There is another way to eat a bowl of oatmeal: a savory way! Remember the savory oatmeal with leeks, ginger, and an egg I made a while back? Well, this is its cousin:

Oatmeal: Love it or Hate it? Personally, I'm not a huge fan...well, unless it's loaded with sweet things like dark chocolate chunks, toasted pecans, dried cherries, etc. But then I might as well eat dessert, right?

Wrong! There is another way to eat a bowl of oatmeal: a savory way! Remember the savory oatmeal with leeks, ginger, and an egg I made a while back? Well, this is its cousin:
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Saturday Farmers Market in Madison, WI

Happy Friday! Today instead of a recipe, I bring you Photos from Saturday Farmers Market in Madison, WI. I whisked myself away for a weekend to Madison and had a wonderful time exploring the new to me City, meeting up with a few friends as well as meeting a new one, eating a lot of great food and even trying out the Madison salsa scene, which could use a lot of improvement.

For now, some of my
Happy Friday! Today instead of a recipe, I bring you Photos from Saturday Farmers Market in Madison, WI. I whisked myself away for a weekend to Madison and had a wonderful time exploring the new to me City, meeting up with a few friends as well as meeting a new one, eating a lot of great food and even trying out the Madison salsa scene, which could use a lot of improvement.

For now, some of my
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Nutella Sandwich Cookies Recipe: Crazy Good Italian Cookbook by Mike Isabella

Do you love Nutella? Do you love dessert? Do you like cookies? If you've answered yes to all these questions, you are going to LOVE Nutella Sandwich Cookies from Mike Isabella's new cookbook, Mike Isabella's Crazy Good Italian. I received a preview copy of the book and this is the first recipe I made from it.

The book covers everything from a basic tomato sauce recipe to recipes with octopus,

Do you love Nutella? Do you love dessert? Do you like cookies? If you've answered yes to all these questions, you are going to LOVE Nutella Sandwich Cookies from Mike Isabella's new cookbook, Mike Isabella's Crazy Good Italian. I received a preview copy of the book and this is the first recipe I made from it.

The book covers everything from a basic tomato sauce recipe to recipes with octopus,
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Tupelo Honey Cafe Recipe Contest News

I'm back from a wonderful quick get away to Madison, WI. I just needed to whisk myself away and discover a new City, eat at new restaurants, see a few friends and chill. I will tell you more about my trip later.

For now, I wanted to tell you about Tupelo Honey Cafe Recipe Contest.

I visited Tupelo Honey Cafe on both of my trips to Asheville and got a chance to meet Chef Brian, not to

I'm back from a wonderful quick get away to Madison, WI. I just needed to whisk myself away and discover a new City, eat at new restaurants, see a few friends and chill. I will tell you more about my trip later.

For now, I wanted to tell you about Tupelo Honey Cafe Recipe Contest.

I visited Tupelo Honey Cafe on both of my trips to Asheville and got a chance to meet Chef Brian, not to
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Stonefire Naan: Flatbread with Shrimp, Mango & Yogurt Sauce

This past Friday I came home to a present from Stonefire Authentic Flatbreads: I received three samples of their product to play with in my kitchen. I was excited! I chose the Garlic Naan because although I love naan, I have no desire to make it from scratch at home. I was eager to see how this product measured up to the naan I order at Indian restaurants.

I created a simple Flatbread with

This past Friday I came home to a present from Stonefire Authentic Flatbreads: I received three samples of their product to play with in my kitchen. I was excited! I chose the Garlic Naan because although I love naan, I have no desire to make it from scratch at home. I was eager to see how this product measured up to the naan I order at Indian restaurants.

I created a simple Flatbread with
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Baked Sweet Potato "Fries" and A Wusthof Cook's Knife Giveaway

Do you know what my favorite and most essential tool is in my kitchen? A chef's knife!! I've never wanted a big knife set. All I've ever wanted was a solid, sharp, and well balanced chef's knife.

I've had my last chef's knife for over 6 years. I bought it when I was a culinary school assistant at Sur La Table and it has served me well. But it's no longer as awesome as it used to be. It has

Do you know what my favorite and most essential tool is in my kitchen? A chef's knife!! I've never wanted a big knife set. All I've ever wanted was a solid, sharp, and well balanced chef's knife.

I've had my last chef's knife for over 6 years. I bought it when I was a culinary school assistant at Sur La Table and it has served me well. But it's no longer as awesome as it used to be. It has
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Honey Nut Date Cake Recipe: Bridal Shower for Megan & Belated L'Shana Tova

I've known Megan for at least three years now. We met virtually because of our love of food, blogging and tweeting ;) Luckily, we finally had a chance to meet in real life the last time I was in Boston. Even more lucky, we liked each other in real life and shared a wonderful evening of tapas.

When I was asked to participate in a virtual bridal shower for Megan, I said yes, but wasn't sure

I've known Megan for at least three years now. We met virtually because of our love of food, blogging and tweeting ;) Luckily, we finally had a chance to meet in real life the last time I was in Boston. Even more lucky, we liked each other in real life and shared a wonderful evening of tapas.

When I was asked to participate in a virtual bridal shower for Megan, I said yes, but wasn't sure
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Chiles En Nogada: Private Cooking Class at Casa Oaxaca in DC

This past Monday night I had a rare opportunity to take a private cooking class at Casa Oaxaca restaurant in DC. Can anyone do it? I doubt it :)

I'm lucky that way! My friend Sylvie got invited by Casa Oaxaca but was busy and sent me in her place. No, this is not the start of 50 Shades of Grey ;)

I was greeted by Joanna, Casa Oaxaca's marketing manager, handed a margarita and told the plan.

This past Monday night I had a rare opportunity to take a private cooking class at Casa Oaxaca restaurant in DC. Can anyone do it? I doubt it :)

I'm lucky that way! My friend Sylvie got invited by Casa Oaxaca but was busy and sent me in her place. No, this is not the start of 50 Shades of Grey ;)

I was greeted by Joanna, Casa Oaxaca's marketing manager, handed a margarita and told the plan.
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Barilla Plus Bake with Mushrooms & Leeks: Lazy White Lasagna. Plus a Pasta Giveaway

Everyone knows that we are supposed to eat healthier, right? Well, sometimes it's easier said than done. I have a hard time ordering a salad when I'm eating out instead of getting a juicy burger or cheese filled mashed potatoes.

Some choices, however, are not that hard to make. What if you just substitute your regular white pasta with whole wheat pasta?

Recently, I got a chance

Everyone knows that we are supposed to eat healthier, right? Well, sometimes it's easier said than done. I have a hard time ordering a salad when I'm eating out instead of getting a juicy burger or cheese filled mashed potatoes.

Some choices, however, are not that hard to make. What if you just substitute your regular white pasta with whole wheat pasta?

Recently, I got a chance
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My Version of Green Eggs & Ham: Easy Decadent Breakfast & Asparagus Pot

The weekend is almost here! Can you feel it? I sure can.

One of my favorite things to make on a Saturday or a Sunday morning is poached eggs. Poaching eggs is rather easy but there is a shortcut I often use: poach pods I have from my freelancing for Robyn Webb.

This recipe for an Easy Decadent Breakfast aka My Version of Green Eggs & Ham showcases another kitchen toy: 3.5 Quart Covered

The weekend is almost here! Can you feel it? I sure can.

One of my favorite things to make on a Saturday or a Sunday morning is poached eggs. Poaching eggs is rather easy but there is a shortcut I often use: poach pods I have from my freelancing for Robyn Webb.

This recipe for an Easy Decadent Breakfast aka My Version of Green Eggs & Ham showcases another kitchen toy: 3.5 Quart Covered
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Grown Up Spaghetti & Meatballs: Post to End Childhood Hunger

I was invited to create a dish to help out Romano's Macaroni Grill and their national campaign to end childhood hunger. Did you know 1 in 5 children are hungry in America?

Grill, in partnership with Share Our Strength’s No Kid Hungry campaign,
is doing something about it. Their goal is to connect kids to 1 Million
Meals in the month of September – and they will do this with

I was invited to create a dish to help out Romano's Macaroni Grill and their national campaign to end childhood hunger. Did you know 1 in 5 children are hungry in America?

Grill, in partnership with Share Our Strength’s No Kid Hungry campaign,
is doing something about it. Their goal is to connect kids to 1 Million
Meals in the month of September – and they will do this with
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Blueberry Lemon Scones: Do As I Say, Not As I Do

Here's how these Blueberry Lemon Scones came about: One of my friends had a bridal shower this past weekend and asked all of her friends to bring a dish to share. The theme for the bridal shower was a tea party {how cute!!!!}, and so right away I thought of making scones. Let's face it: I ♥ scones. In fact, I just made Almond & Cherry Scones a week ago.

Since the shower was on Saturday, I

Here's how these Blueberry Lemon Scones came about: One of my friends had a bridal shower this past weekend and asked all of her friends to bring a dish to share. The theme for the bridal shower was a tea party {how cute!!!!}, and so right away I thought of making scones. Let's face it: I ♥ scones. In fact, I just made Almond & Cherry Scones a week ago.

Since the shower was on Saturday, I
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A Day of Learning About MD Crab & Oysters: MD Seafood

Would you take a day off work and wake up at 6 am to learn about MD crab and oysters?

What if that would involve eating incredibly fresh crabmeat and oysters?

When presented with such an opportunity I said YES.

The truth is, I had no idea exactly what I was signing up for when my friend Cecilia asked if I'd like to join her on a tour led by Steve Vilnit who is a Fisheries Marketing Director

Would you take a day off work and wake up at 6 am to learn about MD crab and oysters?

What if that would involve eating incredibly fresh crabmeat and oysters?

When presented with such an opportunity I said YES.

The truth is, I had no idea exactly what I was signing up for when my friend Cecilia asked if I'd like to join her on a tour led by Steve Vilnit who is a Fisheries Marketing Director
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Almond and Cherry Scones: Perfect for Any Meal of the Day

Last month I received a little box from Spice Islands with three of their extracts: almond, vanilla and lemon. The packaging is adorable and I decided to try the Pure Almond Extract first.

But what to make!? Well, I happened to have fresh sweet cherries in my refrigerator and decided to make Almond and Cherry Scones. For some reason, cherries and almonds just seem to go together. I used a

Last month I received a little box from Spice Islands with three of their extracts: almond, vanilla and lemon. The packaging is adorable and I decided to try the Pure Almond Extract first.

But what to make!? Well, I happened to have fresh sweet cherries in my refrigerator and decided to make Almond and Cherry Scones. For some reason, cherries and almonds just seem to go together. I used a
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How To Make Popcorn Without A Microwave and DC Shorts Film Festival

Movies and popcorn go hand in hand, right?

But what about making popcorn at home? Have you tried it? I'm not talking about those sealed packets filled with artificial butter and flavorings. I'm talking about buying corn kernels and then using a deep skillet or a wok to pop them.

Trust me, the process is incredibly easy. Not only will you be able to make the exact amount of popcorn you want,

Movies and popcorn go hand in hand, right?

But what about making popcorn at home? Have you tried it? I'm not talking about those sealed packets filled with artificial butter and flavorings. I'm talking about buying corn kernels and then using a deep skillet or a wok to pop them.

Trust me, the process is incredibly easy. Not only will you be able to make the exact amount of popcorn you want,
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Vegetarian Quinoa Salad Recipe: Eating Healthy Doesn't Mean Bland

Happy almost three day weekend! I can't wait to get some sleep, get a bit organized, cook, photograph, blog and just chill {and I just found out a friend will be in town!!!}. What are your plans?

Before I wish you a happy weekend, I thought I'd share a quick dish with you: Vegetarian Quinoa Salad Recipe. I suppose this could also be considered a side.

This is a no-recipe recipe.

Take cooked

Happy almost three day weekend! I can't wait to get some sleep, get a bit organized, cook, photograph, blog and just chill {and I just found out a friend will be in town!!!}. What are your plans?

Before I wish you a happy weekend, I thought I'd share a quick dish with you: Vegetarian Quinoa Salad Recipe. I suppose this could also be considered a side.

This is a no-recipe recipe.

Take cooked
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Steak Salad with Mangoes & Black Pepper Cashews

Here's a thing. Sometimes I don't plan my meals. In fact, I rarely plan my meals. This Steak Salad with Mangoes & Black Pepper Cashews is a perfect example of how some of my recipes/meal ideas come about.

As I've mentioned earlier, recently I received a box of mangoes from I made Moonshine Mango Boozer Popsicles with a few of them, ate some as is, and had another one sitting

Here's a thing. Sometimes I don't plan my meals. In fact, I rarely plan my meals. This Steak Salad with Mangoes & Black Pepper Cashews is a perfect example of how some of my recipes/meal ideas come about.

As I've mentioned earlier, recently I received a box of mangoes from I made Moonshine Mango Boozer Popsicles with a few of them, ate some as is, and had another one sitting
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Sweet Potato & Corn Southwestern Soup: A Recipe For Any Season

This Sweet Potato & Corn Southwestern Soup: A Recipe For Any Season came about because of my laziness. I did not feel like going to the grocery store and opted to create a dish from the ingredients I already had in my refrigerator and freezer. Why is it perfect for any season? Well, right now you can use fresh corn, while in the winter frozen corn will be just fine. All you need to do is dice

This Sweet Potato & Corn Southwestern Soup: A Recipe For Any Season came about because of my laziness. I did not feel like going to the grocery store and opted to create a dish from the ingredients I already had in my refrigerator and freezer. Why is it perfect for any season? Well, right now you can use fresh corn, while in the winter frozen corn will be just fine. All you need to do is dice
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Smoked Salmon Breakfast Sandwich

Happy Friday!!! Are you ready for the weekend? I am. No major plans other than a visit to a museum, maybe working on my build-your-own-sofa-table project, and of course cooking.

Most of the weekends I make something with eggs for breakfast, but this past weekend I made a Smoked Salmon Breakfast Sandwich. This is more of a how-to than an actual recipe. So follow along and make this very soon!

Happy Friday!!! Are you ready for the weekend? I am. No major plans other than a visit to a museum, maybe working on my build-your-own-sofa-table project, and of course cooking.

Most of the weekends I make something with eggs for breakfast, but this past weekend I made a Smoked Salmon Breakfast Sandwich. This is more of a how-to than an actual recipe. So follow along and make this very soon!
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Potato Pesto Pizza Recipe & KitchenAid Food Processor Review

When you live alone in a condo, space is of importance: I try not to have too many kitchen appliances. The ones that I do have, I try to use to make sure they earn their keep {I'm talking about my ice cream maker and panini maker.}
My other favorite appliance is a dual blender and food processor. I bought it over five years ago because my mom told me to. Guess what? She was right: I love it. I

When you live alone in a condo, space is of importance: I try not to have too many kitchen appliances. The ones that I do have, I try to use to make sure they earn their keep {I'm talking about my ice cream maker and panini maker.}
My other favorite appliance is a dual blender and food processor. I bought it over five years ago because my mom told me to. Guess what? She was right: I love it. I
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Warm Cauliflower Salad

Do you ever forget about your favorite dress, or a pair of earrings, or maybe your most comfortable pair of flats, only to rediscover and fall in love with it all over again?

It happens to me quite often, and not just with clothing and accessories. This past weekend, I rediscovered how much I love cauliflower.

Growing up, my dad used to boil cauliflower florettes, put them into an egg wash,

Do you ever forget about your favorite dress, or a pair of earrings, or maybe your most comfortable pair of flats, only to rediscover and fall in love with it all over again?

It happens to me quite often, and not just with clothing and accessories. This past weekend, I rediscovered how much I love cauliflower.

Growing up, my dad used to boil cauliflower florettes, put them into an egg wash,
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Summer Cooking: Pasta Primavera Recipe (Sort Of)

This post is one of my no-recipes-posts. It's just an idea for you to use when you need a bit of inspiration. Basically, it's a pasta dish with some sauteed vegetables, some raw vegetables and fresh herbs. Feel free to use whatever produce you have. Not a fan of pasta? Use rice or even boiled potatoes.

When I visited Butler's Orchards earlier this month, they gave me a basket of zucchini,

This post is one of my no-recipes-posts. It's just an idea for you to use when you need a bit of inspiration. Basically, it's a pasta dish with some sauteed vegetables, some raw vegetables and fresh herbs. Feel free to use whatever produce you have. Not a fan of pasta? Use rice or even boiled potatoes.

When I visited Butler's Orchards earlier this month, they gave me a basket of zucchini,
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Easy Appetizer Idea: Nudo Olio D'Oliva Extra Vergine With Chillies Marinated Mozzarella Balls

Growing up, the only cooking oil my parents used was sunflower oil. It had a golden deep color with a rather fragrant scent. You are not going to find that type of sunflower oil at your local grocery store. Sorry. See if there is a Russian or Ukrainian store in your neighborhood and go there.

Although we had olives, which I used to hate as a little girl, we did not taste olive oil until we

Growing up, the only cooking oil my parents used was sunflower oil. It had a golden deep color with a rather fragrant scent. You are not going to find that type of sunflower oil at your local grocery store. Sorry. See if there is a Russian or Ukrainian store in your neighborhood and go there.

Although we had olives, which I used to hate as a little girl, we did not taste olive oil until we
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Omelet Inside a Pepper Ring: I've Succumbed to the Pinterest Peer Pressure

You guys! I have succumbed to the Pinterest peer pressure.

I'm not even kidding. You know those zillions of pins with eggs cooked inside the pepper rings?I've seen them everywhere. Even my twin sister made them.

Keep in mind, I've never even tried to smoke a cigarette. Not to mention I hardly drink and have never tried any illegal substances. I can say NO easily to many things that

You guys! I have succumbed to the Pinterest peer pressure.

I'm not even kidding. You know those zillions of pins with eggs cooked inside the pepper rings?I've seen them everywhere. Even my twin sister made them.

Keep in mind, I've never even tried to smoke a cigarette. Not to mention I hardly drink and have never tried any illegal substances. I can say NO easily to many things that
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Memories of Russia: What to do with Strawberries?

Happy Friday! Hope everyone has fun and relaxing plans for the weekend. It's a rainy day in DC and all I want is to stay in bed watching movies, but alas that's just not happening.

Instead, I wanted to share with you one of my childhood memories. As I've mentioned many times, I grew up in Moscow, Russia. My family cooked all the time, coming up with easy and filling combination of ingredients

Happy Friday! Hope everyone has fun and relaxing plans for the weekend. It's a rainy day in DC and all I want is to stay in bed watching movies, but alas that's just not happening.

Instead, I wanted to share with you one of my childhood memories. As I've mentioned many times, I grew up in Moscow, Russia. My family cooked all the time, coming up with easy and filling combination of ingredients
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Tour of Montgomery County Farms with GM Northeast Part 3: Butler's Orchard

This is another installment of my tour of Montgomery County Farms sponsored by the GM Northeast. See part 1 here.

One of the stops on our tour was Butler's Orchard. This was not my first time at Butler's Orchard. I've gone there for blueberry and sour cherry picking and have even made some of their recipes (muffins, crisp). I was excited to get a tour of the orchard and thrilled that they gave

This is another installment of my tour of Montgomery County Farms sponsored by the GM Northeast. See part 1 here.

One of the stops on our tour was Butler's Orchard. This was not my first time at Butler's Orchard. I've gone there for blueberry and sour cherry picking and have even made some of their recipes (muffins, crisp). I was excited to get a tour of the orchard and thrilled that they gave
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Easy Fun Frozen Drink: Moonshine Mango Boozer. Plus, a Boozy Popsicle

This past Friday I received an awesome present from a box of mangoes.

They must have figured out that I ♥ mangoes.

Of course that got me thinking about what I could get in the mail if I renamed my blog Diamonds and Platinum or Caviar and Lobster, etc.

But let's get back to the topic.
As I said, I love mangoes and have eaten them as is. I also like incorporating them into ice cream

This past Friday I received an awesome present from a box of mangoes.

They must have figured out that I ♥ mangoes.

Of course that got me thinking about what I could get in the mail if I renamed my blog Diamonds and Platinum or Caviar and Lobster, etc.

But let's get back to the topic.
As I said, I love mangoes and have eaten them as is. I also like incorporating them into ice cream
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Tour of Montgomery County Farms with GM Northeast Part 1: Rock Hill Orchard

This past Saturday I went on a tour of Montgomery County Farms sponsored by the GM Northeast. Not only did they plan the itinerary, but they also offered a few bloggers a chance to drive one of their cars for a week.

Since I don't really drive, I graciously declined, and instead was picked up by my friend Cecilia in the red shiny and sporty Chevy Sonic. How did they know we love the color red

This past Saturday I went on a tour of Montgomery County Farms sponsored by the GM Northeast. Not only did they plan the itinerary, but they also offered a few bloggers a chance to drive one of their cars for a week.

Since I don't really drive, I graciously declined, and instead was picked up by my friend Cecilia in the red shiny and sporty Chevy Sonic. How did they know we love the color red
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Strawberry, Tomato, Basil & Aged Cheddar Salad Recipe: Produce Directly From a Farm

How is it already August? I can't believe how quickly this summer is passing by. Soon, tomatoes will be out of season. Not to mention the sweet strawberries. Grab those in big quantities while you can!

Last Saturday I went on a fun adventure: I visited three Montgomery County farms. I will post about it later. For now, I'll share with you a super easy and gorgeous salad I made with some of

How is it already August? I can't believe how quickly this summer is passing by. Soon, tomatoes will be out of season. Not to mention the sweet strawberries. Grab those in big quantities while you can!

Last Saturday I went on a fun adventure: I visited three Montgomery County farms. I will post about it later. For now, I'll share with you a super easy and gorgeous salad I made with some of
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DIY: Make Your Own Pallet Coffee Table

I LOVE free things. When I was walking by World Market on my way home a few months ago, I saw a bunch of pallets sitting by the recycling/garbage area.

I decided to check them out and really liked one of the pallets. I took it but knew I would not be able to carry it home. So I waited 20 minutes for the cab. It cost me $5.

The pallet sat on my floor for over a month. I used it to hold a few

I LOVE free things. When I was walking by World Market on my way home a few months ago, I saw a bunch of pallets sitting by the recycling/garbage area.

I decided to check them out and really liked one of the pallets. I took it but knew I would not be able to carry it home. So I waited 20 minutes for the cab. It cost me $5.

The pallet sat on my floor for over a month. I used it to hold a few
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Perfect Summer Soup: Cold Potato & Spinach Soup Recipe. Memories of Growing Up in Russia

It is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too hot in DC. Yes, I realize I've lived here for a decade, but I still can't get used to the heat and humidity. I try to minimize the time I spend between one air conditioned place and another as much as possible.

But I still need to eat. This means I still need to cook. But turning on the oven or stove is not as appealing to me.

It is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too hot in DC. Yes, I realize I've lived here for a decade, but I still can't get used to the heat and humidity. I try to minimize the time I spend between one air conditioned place and another as much as possible.

But I still need to eat. This means I still need to cook. But turning on the oven or stove is not as appealing to me.
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Where The Magic Happens: Tour of My Kitchen. My Submission to The Kitchn's Small Cool Kitchens 2012

A few weeks ago I submitted photos of my kitchen into The Kitchn's Small Cool Kitchens 2012 contest and it was accepted! Of course that doesn't mean that I won. For that, I need to get a zillion votes. If you like my kitchen, please go and vote for it. I'll ♥ you forever!

Since I was only allowed to post six photos on The Kitchn's website, I thought I'd post a bunch more here to give you a

A few weeks ago I submitted photos of my kitchen into The Kitchn's Small Cool Kitchens 2012 contest and it was accepted! Of course that doesn't mean that I won. For that, I need to get a zillion votes. If you like my kitchen, please go and vote for it. I'll ♥ you forever!

Since I was only allowed to post six photos on The Kitchn's website, I thought I'd post a bunch more here to give you a
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Easiest Ice Cream Recipe EVER: Mango & Nectarine Ice Cream. Thank you, David Lebovitz.

I've made different types of ice cream ever since my friend Erica gave me her ice cream maker. Most turned out amazing, but all required quite a bit of work.

They were worth it though.

This Mango & Nectarine Ice Cream is THE EASIEST ice cream recipe I've ever made. Of course if you are one of those people who loves bananas, and make ice cream from frozen bananas, this recipe will not be the

I've made different types of ice cream ever since my friend Erica gave me her ice cream maker. Most turned out amazing, but all required quite a bit of work.

They were worth it though.

This Mango & Nectarine Ice Cream is THE EASIEST ice cream recipe I've ever made. Of course if you are one of those people who loves bananas, and make ice cream from frozen bananas, this recipe will not be the
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Ground Lamb with Whole Wheat Shells, Broccoli Rabe, Fresh Tomatoes and Mozzarella