
My Version of Mexican Corn: Dress Up Your Corn. No Grill? Use Your Panini Maker!

Happy Monday! I'm sad this is not another three day weekend, but such is life. I've spent the weekend eating out and shopping with great friends, salsa dancing, swimming laps in the pool and cooking. I'll share those recipes with you later, but for today, let's talk about corn.

I love corn. Fresh, frozen, even canned. I like it in soups, salads, or simply boiled.

Below is my version of Mexican
Happy Monday! I'm sad this is not another three day weekend, but such is life. I've spent the weekend eating out and shopping with great friends, salsa dancing, swimming laps in the pool and cooking. I'll share those recipes with you later, but for today, let's talk about corn.

I love corn. Fresh, frozen, even canned. I like it in soups, salads, or simply boiled.

Below is my version of Mexican

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