
Mexican Mac & Cheese: Recipe for Wisconsin Cheese

When I was a little girl, one of my favorite dishes had only two ingredients: macaroni and cheese.

My parents would cook macaroni until they were soft, drain them and add them to a bowl. The bowl most likely had a character from one of the Russian fairy tales on the bottom. Then, they'd add shredded cheese. The cheese would melt as soon as it hit the hot pasta and form long strings when I

When I was a little girl, one of my favorite dishes had only two ingredients: macaroni and cheese.

My parents would cook macaroni until they were soft, drain them and add them to a bowl. The bowl most likely had a character from one of the Russian fairy tales on the bottom. Then, they'd add shredded cheese. The cheese would melt as soon as it hit the hot pasta and form long strings when I

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