
Boordy Vineyards in MD

Some people do "wordless Wednesdays" and post photos without any text, others do "wine Wednesdays" and discuss wine related things. This post will be a little bit of each: a bunch of wine related photos and a some wine information.

A few months ago, my friend Cecilia told me she was invited to attend a wine tasting event at Boordy Vineyards in MD. Guess who got to go with Cecilia? This past
Some people do "wordless Wednesdays" and post photos without any text, others do "wine Wednesdays" and discuss wine related things. This post will be a little bit of each: a bunch of wine related photos and a some wine information.

A few months ago, my friend Cecilia told me she was invited to attend a wine tasting event at Boordy Vineyards in MD. Guess who got to go with Cecilia? This past

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