
Mixed Greens with Green Apples, Beets, and Pistachios: Recipe from Vegan Holiday Kitchen

Last week I came home and noticed a small package waiting by my door. Inside, was a preview copy of Nava Atlas's Vegan Holiday Kitchen from Sterling Publishing.

Let me just say that I love meat, cheese, eggs, ice cream, etc. I'm not going to turn into a vegan, or even a vegetarian.

However, perhaps I should start giving my eating habits more serious thought: once again, my cholesterol levels

Last week I came home and noticed a small package waiting by my door. Inside, was a preview copy of Nava Atlas's Vegan Holiday Kitchen from Sterling Publishing.

Let me just say that I love meat, cheese, eggs, ice cream, etc. I'm not going to turn into a vegan, or even a vegetarian.

However, perhaps I should start giving my eating habits more serious thought: once again, my cholesterol levels

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