
Fun Idea for Pumpkin Decorating: Permanent Markers, Sparkly Nail Polish & Orla Kiely

Here's the truth: I really don't care about Halloween. I didn't grow up with this holiday, and other than the dark chocolate candy that goes on sale after Halloween, I could not care less for it. Ok, I do like seeing adorable costumes my friends get for their kids.

What I do love, though, is fall. And pumpkins, even though they appear in too many desserts and even coffee during fall, are cute

Here's the truth: I really don't care about Halloween. I didn't grow up with this holiday, and other than the dark chocolate candy that goes on sale after Halloween, I could not care less for it. Ok, I do like seeing adorable costumes my friends get for their kids.

What I do love, though, is fall. And pumpkins, even though they appear in too many desserts and even coffee during fall, are cute

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