
Visit to Eataly in New York City

People have Wordless Wednesdays, but I don't always follow the rules. So I'll post this today: Friday! Here are photos from Eataly: I visited it in March with Anna and Jenny during my little NYC birthday celebration. We only bought coffee, but did some browsing. Next time I'm in NYC, I will definitely come back for a meal.

Jenny and Anna: they were dressed like twins!!! I was the odd
People have Wordless Wednesdays, but I don't always follow the rules. So I'll post this today: Friday! Here are photos from Eataly: I visited it in March with Anna and Jenny during my little NYC birthday celebration. We only bought coffee, but did some browsing. Next time I'm in NYC, I will definitely come back for a meal.

Jenny and Anna: they were dressed like twins!!! I was the odd

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