
Calphalon Panini Grill: Caprese Panini

Guess what I won at the Eat Write Retreat? A Calphalon Panini Grill!!! I was thrilled. It took me about a week to open the box, and I decided to start with something simple: Caprese Panini.

I did not want to make just a simple Caprese Panini though: that would be boring. I remembered that I had a bottle of Chimichurri steak sauce in the refrigerator left over from one of the recipes I made for
Guess what I won at the Eat Write Retreat? A Calphalon Panini Grill!!! I was thrilled. It took me about a week to open the box, and I decided to start with something simple: Caprese Panini.

I did not want to make just a simple Caprese Panini though: that would be boring. I remembered that I had a bottle of Chimichurri steak sauce in the refrigerator left over from one of the recipes I made for
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What's the Deal with Shake Shack?

I love meat. Quite a bit. I can't imagine being a vegetarian. When I heard that Shake Shack was opening a location in DC, I got excited: shakes, burgers, and fries: sounds like a fun idea to me. There was a lot of buzz all over twitter and Internet about the new burger establishment in DC, but I decided to wait a few weeks before trying out this new-to-me burger place.

Last week I met up with
I love meat. Quite a bit. I can't imagine being a vegetarian. When I heard that Shake Shack was opening a location in DC, I got excited: shakes, burgers, and fries: sounds like a fun idea to me. There was a lot of buzz all over twitter and Internet about the new burger establishment in DC, but I decided to wait a few weeks before trying out this new-to-me burger place.

Last week I met up with
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#EWR11: Behind the scenes look at the first night

I first met Robyn Webb more than 7 years ago when I broke up with a boyfriend, needed to fill up my time and started assisting at the culinary program at a local Sur La Table. Robyn was one of the most organized instructors, and actually taught instead of just letting the students follow the printed out recipes. It's her voice I hear in my head when I teach private knife skills classes.

In the
I first met Robyn Webb more than 7 years ago when I broke up with a boyfriend, needed to fill up my time and started assisting at the culinary program at a local Sur La Table. Robyn was one of the most organized instructors, and actually taught instead of just letting the students follow the printed out recipes. It's her voice I hear in my head when I teach private knife skills classes.

In the
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Can you make a salad without lettuce? Yes, you can!

First, THANK YOU everyone for your lovely comments on my anniversary post. I'm so lucky to have such supportive, kind, and fun readers!

If you haven't heard, I've spent this past weekend photographing Eat Write Retreat in exchange for attending the workshops, staying at Madison hotel, meeting amazing people, acquiring new blogging skills, bringing quite a bit of swag into my kitchen and of
First, THANK YOU everyone for your lovely comments on my anniversary post. I'm so lucky to have such supportive, kind, and fun readers!

If you haven't heard, I've spent this past weekend photographing Eat Write Retreat in exchange for attending the workshops, staying at Madison hotel, meeting amazing people, acquiring new blogging skills, bringing quite a bit of swag into my kitchen and of
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How to make candy & my THREE year anniversary

My parents LOVE telling stories of when my twin, Anna, and I were little. They like telling us those stories a lot. Some of the stories have become a permanent part of my childhood memories, and I can't even tell if I remember those things happening or I just remember the stories. I guess at this point it doesn't really matter.

Some of the stories involve me coming up with my own foreign
My parents LOVE telling stories of when my twin, Anna, and I were little. They like telling us those stories a lot. Some of the stories have become a permanent part of my childhood memories, and I can't even tell if I remember those things happening or I just remember the stories. I guess at this point it doesn't really matter.

Some of the stories involve me coming up with my own foreign
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Visit to Eataly in New York City

People have Wordless Wednesdays, but I don't always follow the rules. So I'll post this today: Friday! Here are photos from Eataly: I visited it in March with Anna and Jenny during my little NYC birthday celebration. We only bought coffee, but did some browsing. Next time I'm in NYC, I will definitely come back for a meal.

Jenny and Anna: they were dressed like twins!!! I was the odd
People have Wordless Wednesdays, but I don't always follow the rules. So I'll post this today: Friday! Here are photos from Eataly: I visited it in March with Anna and Jenny during my little NYC birthday celebration. We only bought coffee, but did some browsing. Next time I'm in NYC, I will definitely come back for a meal.

Jenny and Anna: they were dressed like twins!!! I was the odd
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Recipe for Chicken Tortilla Soup with Black Beans

Last week I shared with you a recipe for Split Pea soup from Aviva. Today I want to tell you about a Chicken Tortilla Soup with Black Beans that is based on the recipe Paige emailed me. Of course I had to change a few things: otherwise it would not be a Mango Tomato recipe.

2 teaspoons olive oil
1 large onion, chopped
2 garlic cloves, sliced
1/2 jalapeno, seeds removed, chopped
Last week I shared with you a recipe for Split Pea soup from Aviva. Today I want to tell you about a Chicken Tortilla Soup with Black Beans that is based on the recipe Paige emailed me. Of course I had to change a few things: otherwise it would not be a Mango Tomato recipe.

2 teaspoons olive oil
1 large onion, chopped
2 garlic cloves, sliced
1/2 jalapeno, seeds removed, chopped
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How to cook black beans at home: Heavenly Frijoles de Olla

I'm not a very patient person, so when it comes to cooking, although I like making quite a few things from scratch, I also enjoy the convenience of certain things. Canned beans are some of those convenient ingredients I like to have on hand. Open a can and you can add chickpeas to cucumber/tomato salad, black beans to a rice salad or white beans to a tuna salad. What's not to love?

Earlier this
I'm not a very patient person, so when it comes to cooking, although I like making quite a few things from scratch, I also enjoy the convenience of certain things. Canned beans are some of those convenient ingredients I like to have on hand. Open a can and you can add chickpeas to cucumber/tomato salad, black beans to a rice salad or white beans to a tuna salad. What's not to love?

Earlier this
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boston market yam recipe

Boston market yam recipeBOSTON MARKET YAM RECIPE
Baked stuffed french toast recipesBAKED STUFFED FRENCH TOAST RECIPES
Recipes for coleslawRECIPES FOR COLESLAW
Minced pork loaf recipesMINCED PORK LOAF RECIPES
Curtis stone recipesCURTIS STONE RECIPES
Ham wrap recipesHAM WRAP RECIPES
Chicken grill recipesCHICKEN GRILL RECIPES
Homemade cake mix recipesHOMEMADE CAKE MIX RECIPES
Fingered my cunnyFINGERED MY CUNNY
Mint candy recipesMINT CANDY RECIPES
Noodle pudding recipesNOODLE PUDDING RECIPES
Boston market yam recipeBOSTON MARKET YAM RECIPE
Baked stuffed french toast recipesBAKED STUFFED FRENCH TOAST RECIPES
Recipes for coleslawRECIPES FOR COLESLAW
Minced pork loaf recipesMINCED PORK LOAF RECIPES
Curtis stone recipesCURTIS STONE RECIPES
Ham wrap recipesHAM WRAP RECIPES
Chicken grill recipesCHICKEN GRILL RECIPES
Homemade cake mix recipesHOMEMADE CAKE MIX RECIPES
Fingered my cunnyFINGERED MY CUNNY
Mint candy recipesMINT CANDY RECIPES
Noodle pudding recipesNOODLE PUDDING RECIPES
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recipes for round steal

Recipes for round stealRECIPES FOR ROUND STEAL
Noodle pudding recipesNOODLE PUDDING RECIPES
Recipes to create a cemeteryRECIPES TO CREATE A CEMETERY
French fancies recipesFRENCH FANCIES RECIPES
Harvest moon ds recipesHARVEST MOON DS RECIPES
Curtis stone recipesCURTIS STONE RECIPES
Nick malgieri cake recipeNICK MALGIERI CAKE RECIPE
Nicole blubaugh weddingNICOLE BLUBAUGH WEDDING
Casserole recipes recipe chocolateCASSEROLE RECIPES RECIPE CHOCOLATE
Hot damn recipesHOT DAMN RECIPES
Recipes for round stealRECIPES FOR ROUND STEAL
Noodle pudding recipesNOODLE PUDDING RECIPES
Recipes to create a cemeteryRECIPES TO CREATE A CEMETERY
French fancies recipesFRENCH FANCIES RECIPES
Harvest moon ds recipesHARVEST MOON DS RECIPES
Curtis stone recipesCURTIS STONE RECIPES
Nick malgieri cake recipeNICK MALGIERI CAKE RECIPE
Nicole blubaugh weddingNICOLE BLUBAUGH WEDDING
Casserole recipes recipe chocolateCASSEROLE RECIPES RECIPE CHOCOLATE
Hot damn recipesHOT DAMN RECIPES
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minced pork loaf recipes

Minced pork loaf recipesMINCED PORK LOAF RECIPES
Easy international cooking recipesEASY INTERNATIONAL COOKING RECIPES
Marinara sauce from fresh tomatoes recipesMARINARA SAUCE FROM FRESH TOMATOES RECIPES
Easy orange punch recipesEASY ORANGE PUNCH RECIPES
Arcraft photoARCRAFT PHOTO
Custard type recipesCUSTARD TYPE RECIPES
Maggie satori wedding dressesMAGGIE SATORI WEDDING DRESSES
Bergey windpower spare partBERGEY WINDPOWER SPARE PART
Chocolat chip cookies recipesCHOCOLAT CHIP COOKIES RECIPES
Noodle pudding recipesNOODLE PUDDING RECIPES
Premium cracker recipesPREMIUM CRACKER RECIPES
Minced pork loaf recipesMINCED PORK LOAF RECIPES
Easy international cooking recipesEASY INTERNATIONAL COOKING RECIPES
Marinara sauce from fresh tomatoes recipesMARINARA SAUCE FROM FRESH TOMATOES RECIPES
Easy orange punch recipesEASY ORANGE PUNCH RECIPES
Arcraft photoARCRAFT PHOTO
Custard type recipesCUSTARD TYPE RECIPES
Maggie satori wedding dressesMAGGIE SATORI WEDDING DRESSES
Bergey windpower spare partBERGEY WINDPOWER SPARE PART
Chocolat chip cookies recipesCHOCOLAT CHIP COOKIES RECIPES
Noodle pudding recipesNOODLE PUDDING RECIPES
Premium cracker recipesPREMIUM CRACKER RECIPES
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recipes for german potato salad

Recipes for german potato saladRECIPES FOR GERMAN POTATO SALAD
Scalloped wild onions recipeSCALLOPED WILD ONIONS RECIPE
Danish almond ring recipeDANISH ALMOND RING RECIPE
Mint candy recipesMINT CANDY RECIPES
Curry gizzards recipeCURRY GIZZARDS RECIPE
Ham wrap recipesHAM WRAP RECIPES
Wedding dresses toledo ohoWEDDING DRESSES TOLEDO OHO
Beach party recipes for kidsBEACH PARTY RECIPES FOR KIDS
Chicken grill recipesCHICKEN GRILL RECIPES
Cake cookie recipesCAKE COOKIE RECIPES
Free easy bake oven recipesFREE EASY BAKE OVEN RECIPES
Recipes for german potato saladRECIPES FOR GERMAN POTATO SALAD
Scalloped wild onions recipeSCALLOPED WILD ONIONS RECIPE
Danish almond ring recipeDANISH ALMOND RING RECIPE
Mint candy recipesMINT CANDY RECIPES
Curry gizzards recipeCURRY GIZZARDS RECIPE
Ham wrap recipesHAM WRAP RECIPES
Wedding dresses toledo ohoWEDDING DRESSES TOLEDO OHO
Beach party recipes for kidsBEACH PARTY RECIPES FOR KIDS
Chicken grill recipesCHICKEN GRILL RECIPES
Cake cookie recipesCAKE COOKIE RECIPES
Free easy bake oven recipesFREE EASY BAKE OVEN RECIPES
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grilled salmon cakes recipes

Grilled salmon cakes recipesGRILLED SALMON CAKES RECIPES
Khombu russiaKHOMBU RUSSIA
Gooey gunk recipeGOOEY GUNK RECIPE
Clyde butcher photo workshopCLYDE BUTCHER PHOTO WORKSHOP
Cucumber appetizer recipesCUCUMBER APPETIZER RECIPES
Mint candy recipesMINT CANDY RECIPES
Liquid chicken stock recipesLIQUID CHICKEN STOCK RECIPES
Raw food breakfast recipesRAW FOOD BREAKFAST RECIPES
Noodle pudding recipesNOODLE PUDDING RECIPES
Saint benedict sandwich recipeSAINT BENEDICT SANDWICH RECIPE
Grilled salmon cakes recipesGRILLED SALMON CAKES RECIPES
Khombu russiaKHOMBU RUSSIA
Gooey gunk recipeGOOEY GUNK RECIPE
Clyde butcher photo workshopCLYDE BUTCHER PHOTO WORKSHOP
Cucumber appetizer recipesCUCUMBER APPETIZER RECIPES
Mint candy recipesMINT CANDY RECIPES
Liquid chicken stock recipesLIQUID CHICKEN STOCK RECIPES
Raw food breakfast recipesRAW FOOD BREAKFAST RECIPES
Noodle pudding recipesNOODLE PUDDING RECIPES
Saint benedict sandwich recipeSAINT BENEDICT SANDWICH RECIPE
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