
Happy 2013!!

I wish everyone a very healthy, happy and successful 2013! May you and your family be surrounded by good people, delicious food and fun adventures.

If there is something you'd like to see on Mango & Tomato in 2013, let me know!

Photo credit: Stephen Gosling

I wish everyone a very healthy, happy and successful 2013! May you and your family be surrounded by good people, delicious food and fun adventures.

If there is something you'd like to see on Mango & Tomato in 2013, let me know!

Photo credit: Stephen Gosling
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Sour Cream Cake (Smetannik): Russian Recipes Revisited

It's almost the end of December, so it's time for the monthly Russian Recipes Revisited post!

Today I bring you a recipe for Sour Cream Cake, aka Smetannik (in Russian, sour cream is smetana).

Growing up in Moscow, Russia, children's birthday celebrations weren't spent at a restaurant and involved way more than two hours, a cake and a clown. Anna and I (since we are twins!) would have our

It's almost the end of December, so it's time for the monthly Russian Recipes Revisited post!

Today I bring you a recipe for Sour Cream Cake, aka Smetannik (in Russian, sour cream is smetana).

Growing up in Moscow, Russia, children's birthday celebrations weren't spent at a restaurant and involved way more than two hours, a cake and a clown. Anna and I (since we are twins!) would have our
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Lamb & Potato Enchilada Casserole

(function(a,h,a_,l,o,g,y){ /* 2b9ca1c at 2013-12-11 18:48:24 +0000 */
window[a_]={c:o,b:g,u:l};var s=a.createElement(h);s.src=l,e=a.getElementsByTagName(h)[0];e.parentNode.insertBefore(s,e);

Remember the Lamb Tacos I posted a earlier this month? Well, I had a bit of roasted lamb left, not to mention the corn tortillas, so I decided to

(function(a,h,a_,l,o,g,y){ /* 2b9ca1c at 2013-12-11 18:48:24 +0000 */
window[a_]={c:o,b:g,u:l};var s=a.createElement(h);s.src=l,e=a.getElementsByTagName(h)[0];e.parentNode.insertBefore(s,e);

Remember the Lamb Tacos I posted a earlier this month? Well, I had a bit of roasted lamb left, not to mention the corn tortillas, so I decided to
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Cranberry, Orange Zest & Crystallized Ginger Cakes

This post is quite overdue, but if you can still find fresh cranberries, please make these Cranberry, Orange Zest & Crystallized Ginger Cakes!

Right before Thanksgiving, I saw a beautiful recipe for Fresh Cranberry Tea Cakes on Liren's Kitchen Confidante blog and knew I had to do something like that. But of course I had to change a few things: I added orange zest and crystallized ginger (

This post is quite overdue, but if you can still find fresh cranberries, please make these Cranberry, Orange Zest & Crystallized Ginger Cakes!

Right before Thanksgiving, I saw a beautiful recipe for Fresh Cranberry Tea Cakes on Liren's Kitchen Confidante blog and knew I had to do something like that. But of course I had to change a few things: I added orange zest and crystallized ginger (
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Fun, Delicious & Easy Food Themed Gift: Peanut Butter Cup Fudge Recipe

This year I decided to make fudge for some of my friends. I'm almost ashamed to admit how easy it is to make fudge. The best part? My friends loved it!!

The first batch of the fudge I made was basically chocolate, sweetened condensed milk and walnuts.

For something slightly different, I decided to use peanut butter cups!

Fun, Delicious & Easy Food Themed Gift: Peanut Butter Cup Fudge

This year I decided to make fudge for some of my friends. I'm almost ashamed to admit how easy it is to make fudge. The best part? My friends loved it!!

The first batch of the fudge I made was basically chocolate, sweetened condensed milk and walnuts.

For something slightly different, I decided to use peanut butter cups!

Fun, Delicious & Easy Food Themed Gift: Peanut Butter Cup Fudge

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Spoon Me! I'm Talking About Decorating Spoons Of Course ;)

Spoon me!!!

In between going dancing, cooking, going to a Speakeasy event at Sixth & I and editing photographs, I managed to get bored this weekend. I could have exercised, or done my laundry, or de-hoarded...but instead I decided to do something crafty: decorate a few wooden utensils. Doesn't everyone do that when they are bored?

I used the blue tape and the green paint I had left over

Spoon me!!!

In between going dancing, cooking, going to a Speakeasy event at Sixth & I and editing photographs, I managed to get bored this weekend. I could have exercised, or done my laundry, or de-hoarded...but instead I decided to do something crafty: decorate a few wooden utensils. Doesn't everyone do that when they are bored?

I used the blue tape and the green paint I had left over
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Spicy Fat Noodles with Snow Peas

Last week, my friend Cecilia and I went to see Ina Garten at Sixth & I. It was a fabulous evening. See the instagram photo of me Cecilia took below :) I cannot wait to make something from the book!

After the event, we decided to get something to eat and I suggested Chinatown Express. I've eaten at this little restaurant a few years ago and was looking forward to introducing Cecilia to

Last week, my friend Cecilia and I went to see Ina Garten at Sixth & I. It was a fabulous evening. See the instagram photo of me Cecilia took below :) I cannot wait to make something from the book!

After the event, we decided to get something to eat and I suggested Chinatown Express. I've eaten at this little restaurant a few years ago and was looking forward to introducing Cecilia to
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Nutella Peanut Butter Sandwich Cookies & AirBake Review

Check your twitter stream, Pinterest boards or Facebook pages and you'll notice that 'tis the season for baking! Whether you are making chocolate chip cookies, biscotti, or macaroons, the types of cookie sheets you use is quite important.

My cookie sheets, I'm slightly ashamed to admit, are not in a pristine condition. They are stained from curried potatoes and carrots and no longer shine.

Check your twitter stream, Pinterest boards or Facebook pages and you'll notice that 'tis the season for baking! Whether you are making chocolate chip cookies, biscotti, or macaroons, the types of cookie sheets you use is quite important.

My cookie sheets, I'm slightly ashamed to admit, are not in a pristine condition. They are stained from curried potatoes and carrots and no longer shine.
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Charleston Wine & Food Festival Recipe Contest: Lamb Tacos

It's time for round #3 of the recipe contest for the Charleston Wine & Food Festival. See my recipes for round 1 and 2 to catch up.

Guess what? I did not win either round, and I very highly doubt I'll win this round either, but I thank all of you for your support and votes. If that sounds a bit snarky, so be it. But you can still VOTE if you want ;)

I'm just going to make the food I want

It's time for round #3 of the recipe contest for the Charleston Wine & Food Festival. See my recipes for round 1 and 2 to catch up.

Guess what? I did not win either round, and I very highly doubt I'll win this round either, but I thank all of you for your support and votes. If that sounds a bit snarky, so be it. But you can still VOTE if you want ;)

I'm just going to make the food I want
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Happy Hanukkah: Recipe for Tri-Colored Latkes with Horseradish Sour Cream

Happy Hanukkah!!! Go light a menorah ;)

One of the things I love most about Hanukkah, since my family doesn't really exchange presents, is the latkes!! I've made them over the years using regular potatoes and sweet potatoes (separately), but this year decided to do something slightly different!

Not only did I added shredded beets to my latkes, but I also spiced up the regular sour cream with

Happy Hanukkah!!! Go light a menorah ;)

One of the things I love most about Hanukkah, since my family doesn't really exchange presents, is the latkes!! I've made them over the years using regular potatoes and sweet potatoes (separately), but this year decided to do something slightly different!

Not only did I added shredded beets to my latkes, but I also spiced up the regular sour cream with
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What To Do With Leftover Rice: Kimchi Fried Rice

Happy Friday! The weekend is almost here! Do you have any plans? I will be cooking a lamb shoulder, testing out new cookie sheets and trying to dehoard. What else is new?

Two weekends ago I woke up still not feeling a 100% back to normal after a week of dealing with a cold. I opened my refrigerator and saw a container of rice from a Chinese take out and decided to make fried rice. I actually

Happy Friday! The weekend is almost here! Do you have any plans? I will be cooking a lamb shoulder, testing out new cookie sheets and trying to dehoard. What else is new?

Two weekends ago I woke up still not feeling a 100% back to normal after a week of dealing with a cold. I opened my refrigerator and saw a container of rice from a Chinese take out and decided to make fried rice. I actually
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Almond Lace Cookies: Not Every Recipe Is Perfect

Last month I received a little care package courtesy of Wayfair and Peapod. I will donate the $25 gift card from Peapod to a local charity, but am keeping the kitchen tools from Wayfair.

How cute is this Jessie Steele Oven Mitt? It's so pretty I might not even use it for fear of getting it dirty ;)

I will, however, get great use from the Switchit Spatula.
It's 650F heat and stain

Last month I received a little care package courtesy of Wayfair and Peapod. I will donate the $25 gift card from Peapod to a local charity, but am keeping the kitchen tools from Wayfair.

How cute is this Jessie Steele Oven Mitt? It's so pretty I might not even use it for fear of getting it dirty ;)

I will, however, get great use from the Switchit Spatula.
It's 650F heat and stain
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Greek Patty & Feta-Yogurt Sauce from The Meat Lover's Meatless Celebrations

Last month I received a preview copy of Kim O'Donnel's newest cookbook: The Meat Lover's Meatless Celebrations. I've known Kim for over ten years because I used to read her food chats on WA Post before she moved to Seattle. Although I'm far from being a vegetarian, I was excited to see what this book had to offer.

The cookbook is divided into seasons, and each season features recipes for

Last month I received a preview copy of Kim O'Donnel's newest cookbook: The Meat Lover's Meatless Celebrations. I've known Kim for over ten years because I used to read her food chats on WA Post before she moved to Seattle. Although I'm far from being a vegetarian, I was excited to see what this book had to offer.

The cookbook is divided into seasons, and each season features recipes for
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